Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Simple Wish And A Big Challenge For You In 2011

My Simple Wish And A Big Challenge For You In 2011

It's that time of year again, the time when many of us start making a list of "resolutions" for the New Year. 

Do you know what the number one resolution people make each year is?
 … lose weight …

That is the top New Year's resolution … it has been forever!?!?!?

Yet, despite resolving to lose weight 68% of Americans continue to be overweight, with 33.8% classified as obese, according to statistics from the National Institutes of Health.

Why is it that we can keep making the same resolution year after year, yet we don't see the results we say we want?

It's because … can you hear the drumroll ..???

Resolutions only require words … Results actually require action!

My question for you is … 

"What are YOU committed to improving about YOUR life in 2011?"

Taking action requires courage and commitment  .. if it didn't everyone would do it ;-) 

You can't "Know" courage and commitment. It's not the kind of knowledge you can absorb by reading about it. The only way to KNOW courage and commitment is to LIVE THEM. If you want to experience being courageous then you simply have to BE COURAGEOUS. If you want to experience commitment, then you have to BE COMMITTED

I want you to be courageous enough to DECLARE your commitment to yourself and your life for 2011 … LOUD and PROUD !!
What do you commit to accomplishing in the New Year?
Here are a few questions that I asked myself to get really clear about what I am going to courageously commit to accomplishing this year. I made it a priority to create some quiet time and find a peaceful place to do this so that I could really listen from within and hear the "real" answers to these questions.

1. What were my 3 biggest accomplishments in 2010? (Hint – 2010 was a very challenging year, but when I looked really hard, I found ALOT of things to be proud of !!) 

2. What did I learn from those accomplishments? (Remember – Success leaves clues! It's a recipe!)

3. What were my biggest NON-successes in 2010? (Being totally honest with myself and taking 100% responsibility for my lack of success in doing something empowered me to LEARN some very powerful lessons. There is NO self-judgment, NO negative self-talk, NO blaming myself or anyone else allowed.)

4. What did I learn from those non-successes? ( Yep … I had to stare that STUFF right in the results and LOOK at what I did or didn't do to get them. Not pretty … not fun … but absolutely necessary. It did help me write an action plan for the year that will make me get off my A$$ETS and do the things I need to do to get the results that I want. Remember – NON-success leaves clues. It's a recipe for how NOT to get what you want!)

5. How can I use this information to MOVE my business and my life FORWARD IN 2011? (Do I just need to get into action and do the work? Do I need to learn some new skills? Do I need to get some coaching? Do I need to get rid of some mental or physical stuff or maybe give myself alot more room around negative, unsupportive people in my life? Do I need to stop making excuses and blaming other people? Do I need to charge up my level of faith? my self-confidence? write a schedule and stick to it?)

No matter which goals YOU commit to in 2011 … financial, spiritual, family, business or even losing weight … when you use a recipe that includes a generous amount of accountability your only option is success!

Studies have shown that those who partner with someone – a loved one, a good friend, a business partner – in an effort to keep themselves accountable have greater success than those who do not. 

If you don't have someone that you feel comfortable doing this with, you can also find alot of "mastermind" groups that support accountability within their membership. Facebook has alot of groups that share similar interests and provide alot of support. You can even reach out to me here on this blog, or connect with me on Facebook. I would be honored to help support you accomplish your goals in 2011.

If you are truly committed to accomplishing outrageous things in 2011 … you will find a way !! 
Find one that works for you … make the decision to do it … step forward in faith … and just do it !!

Blessings to You and Yours!! 

Wishing You An Amazing 2011 Filled with Love, Good Health and Prosperity!!
Rose Mis,  Rose Mis is the author of “Dead Blogs Don’t Lie ~ 7 Secrets To A Wildly Popular High Traffic Blog” and the editor and publisher of The Frugal Networker Newsletter. She is the creator and Executive Chef of the internet's only Award Winning Attraction Marketing Training Kitchen. Rose is one of the top MLM / Network Marketing bloggers in the blogoshpere and is a featured blogger at You are invited to stop by the Kitchen anytime you have any questions about blogging, marketing or mindset. Rose is here to help you get the results you are looking for as quickly and cost effectively as possible!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tis The Season To Say “Oh Yes I Can”!

Tis The Season To Say "Oh Yes I Can"!
By: Rose Mis

Can you believe that 2010 is almost over?  You know when I was a little girl, I always heard my parents and the other grown ups talking about how fast time flies by.

I never really appreciated what that meant until I hit my late 40's. Guess what?  They were right! 

I would go to bed only to wake up and find another tiny little crow's foot. One morning I realized I couldn't read the newspaper any longer, my arm seemed to be a lot shorter than it was the day before.  I remember sitting there shaking my head, trying to figure out when I managed to go from "Da Blonde Bombshell" to the "Bombed Out Blonde" … YIKES … 

Where had all the time gone to and how in the heck am I going to make it slow down!

Did 2010 zip by for you as well? This year F L E W  right by for me …

2010 has been a very interesting year, that's for sure. For some folks it was their best year ever, for others it was their most challenging. Regardless of where anyone falls in that mix, it's a good practice to take some quiet time before the New Year gets here to take a good hard, honest look at where you were at in the beginning of the year, where you are right now and where you are going next year.

Taking stock of the past year made me realize just how grateful I am to be surrounded by some REALLY successful entrepreneurs. These folks have openly shared the stories behind their seemingly "overnight" success. What a great reminder for me to keep the faith and keep on doing what I am supposed to be doing … NO EXCUSES ALLOWED

The stories they tell of their challenges - near fatal sickness, multiple 6 figure debt, foreclosure, bankruptcy, terrible stuff that happened to them when they were kids … hammer home the point that EVERY successful person, at one time or another, had challenges and difficulties.
But, they found a reason to say "Oh, Yes I Can" and they just did it.

Even more inspiring, they have taken their stories and turned them into client and customer MAGNETS. Their MESS has become their MESSage !!

This past summer I was privileged to interview at least a least a half dozen 6 and 7 figure income earning entrepreneurs – network marketers and online marketers – on my Blog Talk Radio show. I received dozens of emails from people telling me just how grateful they were to finally hear the truth about how these folks had created their success. 

People wrote to me to tell me that they were relieved to know that they weren't alone in their experience of struggle and self-doubt. They were relieved to know that everyone has struggled and doubted … wanted to QUIT … they were grateful to hear the unvarnished TRUTH. Their belief in themselves and their dreams was bolstered big time.

Never … Ever … Give Up on Yourself and Your Dreams! You were given those dreams for a REASON!

I am convinced that there is NO WAY TO FAIL as an entrepreneur unless you JUST GIVE UP!  I know, I know … sounds really cliche, but it’s the stone cold truth. There are simply too many people that have proven this to be the key factor to their success time after time.

Here are 3 simple things, that if done consistently, ultimately produce success:
  1. Keep building and improving your skills and knowledge (this builds self-confidence and your value to others)
  2. Keep increasing the number of people you expose to your products, services and business (market with your hair on fire)
  3. JUST DON’T QUIT (toddlers don't quit if they fall down a dozen times … they just pick themselves up and do it again)
That truly is the "secret" recipe to success in life and business.

Take a minute to write those 3 things down on Post-Its and stick them up EVERYWHERE … your computer, your desk, the bathroom mirror, the refrigerator door. Those constant reminders will keep you focused on what is really important! Every time you read one … simply say "Oh YES I can!" Guess what … You WILL because YOU said you CAN!

Every successful person that I know has great strengths and great weaknesses. What you choose to focus on and develop often determines how fast success comes to you. An honest assessment of what you are really good at and what gives you the willies helps to keep you moving forward.

Most people, myself included, have a tendency to focus on improving their weaknesses instead of super charging their strengths. Weaknesses are NOT an issue unless we let them become what we are experiencing struggle with. 

There is more than one way to cook a chicken! (I own 5,000 cookbooks that prove it :-) ) You just have to use the method that gives you the best results as effectively and efficiently as possible. You can always take the time to master something new later on. 

Here are some great questions that will help you discover your strengths and charge up your results:

  • What am I really good at? (writing, meeting people, listening to people, making videos, speaking on the phone …)
  • What do I really dislike doing? ( live presentations, making videos, writing …)
  • What story do I tell myself about the thing that I dislike doing? (negative past experiences and results)
  • Why am I good at those other things? (positive previous experiences and results)
  • Can I keep on improving doing the things that I am good at? (resulting in total mastery)
  • Am I willing to do the things that I am good at consistently so that I give the results enough time to show up?
  • Am I willing to keep track of my results, use that information to help myself grow, and celebrate even the tiniest of results?
And here is the most important question to ask for 2011.
“What did my results in 2010 teach me and what can I do differently this year?”

When I got REALLY honest about 2010, I was able to create a new business strategy that I feel great about following.
  1. I took a look at how I was spending my time and I respectfully released and blessed alot of time vampires from my life.
  2. I chose to embrace a "No Excuses Allowed" mindset that allows me to just say "No" to that whiny, pitiful little voice that keeps on telling me to quit because the whole thing is a waste of time and that I am not good enough to do this.
  3. I realized that the coach I was working with wasn't the right coach for me. So I hired a coach whose results and philosophies mirror the results that I want for myself and the mission I have for my business.
  4. I reviewed each product, tool and service that I was paying for to build my business. I ruthlessly cut the fat.
  5. I set into place a work schedule that allows me to have enough time to maintain balance with work and life.
  6. I created an avatar of my perfect customers and clients based on solid research and testing. 
  7. I formulated a marketing strategy and calendar that will ensure I get my products and services in front of lots of the right people while providing huge value along the way… all focused around what I am really good at already.
  8. My intention is to invest in the right kind of training to learn additional skills when the time is right to do that.
This really is a BACK TO THE BASICS ACTION BASED business strategy that requires immediate implementation of everything I learn, measuring every result I get for every action I take, so that I can adjust my activities along the way. The end result showing up as a large list of raving fans and customers and a nice healthy profit in my business.

The BIG question is, "What did YOUR results in 2010 teach YOU and what can YOU do differently in 2011 to get the results YOU really want?"

I would love to hear from you about your experience of 2010 and what you are going to do in 2011 that will allow you to say "Oh YES … I CAN !!"
Feel free to share your comments below!

Rose Mis,  Rose Mis is the author of “Dead Blogs Don’t Lie ~ 7 Secrets To A Wildly Popular High Traffic Blog” and the editor and publisher of The Frugal Networker Newsletter. She is the creator and Executive Chef of the internet's only Award Winning Attraction Marketing Training Kitchen. Rose is one of the top MLM / Network Marketing bloggers in the blogoshpere and is a featured blogger at You are invited to stop by the Kitchen anytime you have any questions about blogging, marketing or mindset. Rose is here to help you get the results you are looking for as quickly and cost effectively as possible!

The Gift Of Loving And Releasing

A Season To Celebrate The Quickening Of Your Freedom and Prosperity

By: Rose Mis

I see it all around me ... New life, new hope, new futures forming in the midst of crisis and chaos. More people than ever, questioning the status quo, no longer willing to simply accept what they are being told as the truth. Many people challenging traditional voices of authority and demanding an accounting of why they should accept the mediocre results being produced by "doing business as usual". And some of those people are stepping out and stepping up in a big way, blazing a brilliant trail right to the prize ... Freedom and Prosperity!! 

We are designed to be so much more than who we believe we are right now. One of the best ways that I know of to see what I am believing about myself is to check in with what my self-esteem is saying about me.

I can't touch it, but it affects how I feel. I really can't see it, but it's there every time I look at myself in the mirror. I can't hear it, but it's there every time I talk about myself. Everything in my life shows exactly how worthy and deserving I believe I am.

My body is a reflection of my self esteem. What I eat is a reflection of my self esteem. My home is a reflection of my self esteem. What I wear is a reflection of my self esteem. My thoughts are a refection of my self esteem. My personal relationships are a reflection of my self esteem. My bank account is a reflection of my self esteem ... You get the idea ...

What is reflected back to me shows me exactly where I am blocking the freedom and prosperity for myself.  If I don't like the fruits ... then there is something wrong with the roots (thank you T Harv Eker). I start asking myself questions that allow me to dig down far enough to find the bad roots and get rid of them. Sometimes I can do it by myself ... sometimes I need someone to help me (by the way ... asking for help was a VERY hard thing to do at first - my EGO hated that ;-)) But, every time I cut out the bad roots, I grow stronger and wiser.

December is when I really do some really deep digging. It helps me close out the current year by knowing exactly what I need to work on at the beginning of the new year. This helps me create alot of energy and momentum so that January starts with a big bang!

Part of my personal process is to "bless and release" the bad roots and the people associated with them. Something very powerful happens for me when I do that - my level of self-esteem skyrockets. And when my level of self-esteem goes up, better results start showing up all over the place. 

I truly believe that by blessing and releasing from a loving place in my heart, I honor the other person and the gift they gave me (for me there is no such thing as failure - only the opportunity to learn and improve). And by doing that, I bless, honor and demonstrate my own openness and willingness to receive more opportunities to grow and learn.

Blessing and releasing are powerful gifts that you can give to yourself and others ANY time of the year - not just Christmastime. Here are some other gifts that you can give to yourself and others all year long.  I guarantee they will boost your self esteem in a big way and give freedom and prosperity an opportunity to quicken in your life:





Be A Good Example



Wealth, Success and Love
An Ancient Parable Penned By An Unknown Author

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.

"No", she replied. "He's out."

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in. "We do not go into a House together," they replied.

"Why is that?" she asked.
One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?"
Their daughter was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter's advice," said the husband to his wife. "Go out and invite Love to be our guest ."
The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him.
Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2011
Filled With The Blessings Of Love, Health and Freedom

As you celebrate with your friends and family, and I with mine, my heart is filled with gratitude for all of you!
You mean a great deal to me. You have become part of my big, beautiful worldwide family. And I thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving you.

With love and gratitude ... Rose

Rose Mis,  Rose Mis is the author of “Dead Blogs Don’t Lie ~ 7 Secrets To A Wildly Popular High Traffic Blog” and the editor and publisher of The Frugal Networker Newsletter. She is the creator and Executive Chef of the internet's only Award Winning Attraction Marketing Training Kitchen. Rose is one of the top MLM / Network Marketing bloggers in the blogoshpere and is a featured blogger at You are invited to stop by the Kitchen anytime you have any questions about blogging, marketing or mindset. Rose is here to help you get the results you are looking for as quickly and cost effectively as possible!